Nature Tech Farm Services is a division of Ben Bennett Jr Ltd run by a family company that has been established since 1883 and we pride ourselves on producing high quality products with an efficient and reliable service. 

Ben Bennett Jr Ltd took over Nature Tech from the former owner Alan Rothwell in November 2023. Alan wanted to retire at the age of 70 after 40 years in the business, and in doing that, he wanted to ensure that the business continued to be successful in the future. He also wanted to ensure all his customers stay satisfied with the product, and that the loyalty he enjoyed from his customers would continue with the new owners. When Alan asked us if we were interested in acquiring Nature Tech, we thought it would be a great opportunity as we were supplying him with our high purity limestone already.

The other divisions of Ben Bennett Jr Ltd are:

Grange Mill Quarry– We produce high quality pure Derbyshire carboniferous limestone in a wide range of products, inclusive of a recycled filler grade which are used in a variety of applications including food, pharmaceuticals, plastics, rubber, glass, sealants and many others.

Transport Department- We operate our own fleet of modern environmentally friendly vehicles, making deliveries to all areas within the UK. Operating our own fleet of bulk pressurised non-tip tanks and tipper trucks enables us to deliver products to the customer- and at the time requested by the customer. We currently run 12 Bulk Tankers for Powder and Grit deliveries and 4 Bulk Tippers which are dedicated to our own contracts. We have recently been accredited FORS Silver which demonstrates our dedication towards both driver and vehicle safety.

UK Blade- Is the proud owner of the “Talon” Brand. Talon saw blades mission is to supply you, our discerning customers with the Highest Quality Range of Hand and Power Tool Saw Blades. Our Products are essential for professional trades people, the serious D.I.Y’er and Hobbyist who wish to have the best available tools in their bag.

UK Blade exports Talon Saw Blades and Frames to: Taiwan, China, America, South America, South Africa, the Middle East & Scandinavia.

We are always looking at ways to grow the business, and are not afraid to try new ventures.

Ben Bennett Jr Ltd are dedicated to the principle of ” never ending improvements in quality and productivity”.